How to know the check-up Centre of COVID-19 in Your Country ?

Corona Virus Check-up Centres Information in Your Country:

If you are interested in getting tested for COVID-19 to help protect yourself or other people go check this out website

Currently offering to test for COVID-19 in California:
San Jose (Santa Clara county)
San Mateo (San Mateo county)
Lake Elsinore (Riverside County)
Sacramento (Sacramento county)

Want to Know Resources In Your Country.
There are two ways to know Resources in Your city, state or country to tackle the COVID19.

1. First Way

    Go to Google  > Search "COVID-19 > Help and Information  > You Will get Your Country website(In My Case "India> Now Will get the required information.

If You still not this Video 

2. Second way

 Go to Google > Search "WHO" > Go To First Link > You Will be on World Health Organization  > Scroll Down last You will get "Region" Option >Select Your region and You will get required Info....
if you still not get then you can watch the video.

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